
(1) We are hiring few centers for Semi Non Voice Avatar Live Transfer campaign. Here is campaign details.
US Home Security Avatar Live Transfer
Semi Non Voice
Payout 6$ per live transfer
Target Customer: USA / B2C
Process Steps:
We will give  hosted Dailer, Avatar, D.N. C list  and calling  data  to centre (Free dialer/Avatar & Data)
Centre will transfer call to us by using Avatar system.
We will close the sale.
Centre will be paid per live transfer.

Call Center  Requirement.

Must be able to start 10 seats. 
Agents Must able to understand good English (No speaking required)
Must have  commons sense to use the avatar system efficiently. 
Able to work 8 hour per day.

(2) Charter Home Phone, TV, Internet
Overview : We are hiring  call center for Charter Spectrum Communication
Center Center Required to  offer  Home Phone, Internet and TV services. 
Sales Process- call center will offer customer charter services, and upon interest will confirm availability through network availability portal and close the sale.

Previous Telecom experience 
Predictive Dialer 
Hi to Bye Recording
At least 6 month experience agent.
Minimum 10 agent to start 

Step One- Agent screening - Please must have the agent read the attached script couple of time before agent screening.  
Step two-After agent approval agreement will sent. 
Step three- Upon receiving signed agreement complete training kit will be provided.
Step Four- Q A session which will be held after two days of providing training material.
Step Five- After Q A session complete team will be giving mocks. 
Step six Go live 

(3)UK Solar  Lead Generation 

Limited opportunity , experience and serious call center only 

To call UK consumer and make them interest to get no obligation quote.

Lead Criteria
Willing to receive  4 free no obligation quotes ..customer is under no obligation to install panels  if he does not like quotes;
Customer  should  not be pensioner;
Should have min 3000 pounds if he wants to install panels;
Customer  should  be very clear that quotes are free but panels will cost;
No duplicate leads;
No out of area leads will be entertained; zip code list provided.

PAYOUT: Please Contact Us.

(4)US Solar Lead Generation

Overview: This is very easy  solar lead generation process.  Payout are up to  $45 per lead and varies upon states.  Get paid on call backs and not appointment setting.

Payment Cycle: Twice a month (1st-15th pays 6th of the following month/16th-30th pays on 21st)

S.P.D/Agent: 3-6 

Sample Script 

Hi, John

My name is ___________, I’m  with the ___________ Project….
During our last campaign in (CITY NAME) we gathered some information regarding your energy consumption and we’re just confirming if it is still correct, so we can let you know more about the new incentive that your home now qualifies for.
It states here that you are still the homeowner for the single family residence at 1234 MAIN STREET, FRESNO 92357, is that correct?
And I also have here that your electricity bill is still averaging at least  $100 per month with no discounts from your provider like CARE, FERA or MEDICAL BASELINE, right?
And it also states that your roof does get plenty of sun…. that there are no giant trees that shade your roof, is that correct?

During our last campaign your credit had been rated as being good to Excellent, meaning that it was at least a 680 FICO score... Would you still say that it is Good, or would say that it is Excellent now, meaning over 700 FICO? IF they don’t know ask Would you consider its at least 650 fico (IF THEY DO NOT KNOW CREDIT SCORE THEN ASK THEM… HAVE YOU HAD ANY BANKRUPTCIES, FORECLOSURES OR LOAN MODIFICATIONS IN THE LAST TWO YEARS AND IF THEY HAVE BEEN ON TIME WITH ALL OF THEIR PAYMENTS IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS? IF NOT DROP THE CALL)
Oh, and who is your electric provider????????
Ok everything looks good, one of our solar experts will contact you within one business day ,with new incentives and no money out of pocket options that can make easier for you to go solar...will that be ok with you? (Wait for customer to answer question then ask for email)
"Do you have an email address where you would like us to send a confirmation?"(If customer says I don’t have an email, don’t worry continue and let customer he will be called in 1 business day or so)

Predictive Dialer
Hi to Bye Recording 
At least 6 month experience agent
Minimum 10 agent to start

Signup Process
Step One- Agent screening - Please must have the agent read the attached script couple of time before agent screening.
Step two-After agent approval agreement will sent.
Step three- Upon receiving signed agreement complete training kit will be provided.
Step Four- Q A session which will be held after two days of providing training material.
Step Five- After Q A session complete team will be giving mocks. 
Step six Go live 

(5)US Energy Campaign 

Overview- After the privatization of Gas and Electricity consumer have option to choose electric and gas supplier.Agent need to call to customer offer discounted rate , if customer accept the rate, call will be transferred to client Third Party Verification system to confirm the signup.This process does not required any payment from customer nor any kind of financial information

Payment Cycle- Weekly 

Sample Script 
I need to speak with (First Name On Screen) is that you? If YES (Continue Below). If NO (When will he be available)? If NO there is nobody by that name here? No problem. I need to speak to whoever handles the CL&P/UI Bill. Is that you?
Great my name is (___________) your account rep here on behalf of _____Energy. The reason for my call today is in regards to a rate reduction that you are entitled to and a savings up to 10-15%.Have you had an opportunity to look over the info that has been sent out with your bill over the last several months regarding energy deregulation?
(Yes or No) answer......
Well that is why I am calling is to show you what is going down and how far and make sure that it is applied properly to the account. Go ahead and grab your bill and let me know when you are ready..............I'm required to hold!
I spend half my day to have people to grab their bills
CLP CUSTOMERS- Go to the bottom of page one to the generation service charge.The second set of numbers is what you are currently paying, what is that number?
UI CUSTOMERS- In the middle of the bill under new charges and credits you will see generation service charge. The second set of numbers is what’s going down, what is that?
Now the new low VARIABLE rate will be "rates" cents per KWH which will reduce that portion of your bill up to 15%.
Now to apply this rate how does your name appear on the bill?
What is the service address?
What is the 4 letter name Key?
Account number starting with 51? ONLY FOR CLP CUSTOMERS- 11 DIGITS
Half way down the bill what is the service reference number?  ONLY FOR CLP CUSTOMERS 9 DIGITS
What is the POD number? ONLY FOR UI CUSTOMERS- 13 DIGITS
Do you have ANY other accounts you would like to enrol?
Again, nothing is going to change except you’ll receive a lower VARIABLE rate and lower bill. CL&P/(UI) will still send you a bill every month like always even though ___ Power will supply your electricity on your behalf. To wrap this up and get the savings applied I’m going to connect us to a quick third party verification to apply your rate reduction so you can start receiving your saving as quickly as possible.

Predictive Dialer
Hi to Bye Recording 
At least 6 month experience agent
Minimum 10 agent to start
Signup Process 
Step One- Agent screening - Please must have the agent read the attached script couple of time before agent screening.
Step two-After agent approval agreement will sent.
Step three- Upon receiving signed agreement complete training kit will be provided.
Step Four- Q A session which will be held after two days of providing training material.
Step Five- After Q A session complete team will be giving mocks. 
Step six Go live 

(6)Vonage Canada
Process- This is very high in demand process, Call Center will call to home or business owner and offer highly competitive plan with Free Phone.
Country- Canada
Market Segment-B2C &B2B
Data- Included
CRM- Included
Payment Cycle-Weekly
Average Sales/Day/Agent- 2
For detail please send your  company profile to – Don’t Forget to add your contact Number
Plan- All plans mentioned on Vonage.Ca website
Hello, Mr./Mrs._________, my name is (First Name, Last Name) and I'm calling from the Vonage Door To Door Team.  How are you doing today?
(Great, Glad to hear it)

We visited your area last week but unable to get you at home. DID you get our flyer about free home phone set with  home phone service starting with 9.99 include all features, unlimited calling to USA and Canada and home phone set.

What is your average phone bill monthly?
Note the amount
Do you make long distance call outside of country?
Note the location and find it in Vonage plan
Can u take your home phone with you when you travel?
May I know how much you are paying every month for long distance calls?
If you could make your home phone ring to additional phones at the same time would that be of value to you?
Do you have High Speed Internet-?
(Must Yes)
Do you have an email account?
(Must Yes)
Great, then Vonage is the right plan for you and even better!

If customer good fit for Vonage world plan then proceed following. Otherwise go to next Others
Plans block.
Value Add

Mr./Mrs. [lead name], for a limited time only, if you sign up for Vonage today , you will receive  a cord less phone set with three extension after next 30 days .

The Vonage Canada & U.S. Unlimited is 9.99 for the first three month and only $34.99/ month +tax after that, and offers you unlimited calling to the Canada, U.S and Puerto Rico

The plan also includes 27 additional calling features, such as caller ID, call waiting, voice mail, 3-way calling, and call forwarding all for free! 
It also include softphone, mobile phone apps feature, so you can receive call on your computer or mobile also. All for free

To get started, we are offering free shipping during the month of August.  So, all you need to get started today is to pay the $9.99 Activation fee + Tax= 11.28

To get started, we just need to verify a few pieces of information.
Pause and listen to customer comment….if yes…proceed to customer info capture…if no, listen and rebut.

First name, Last Name
Home Address (full)
Home Number (whether or not the customer wants to keep the number)
Email Address
Current type of internet connection (FiOS, DSL, Cable)

Mr./Mrs. [Lead Name], would you like to keep your phone number and bring it with you to Vonage?
{If Yes, capture the following, if No go to disclosure)
Current Carrier
** [Lead Name] we need this information in order for the porting of your current phone number to be authorized.

[Cust Name], Do you understand that you will be signing up for new phone service with Vonage today on the (use Vonage Plan Name) that gives you
Describe plan detail as given on website and must include customer long distance destination name
Example: (If customer good fit for vonage world plan then say )  unlimited dialing to the U.S., Canada, India and 60 other countries?
Do you understand that this offer is not valid if you are already a Vonage Customer?

For All Vonage plans:
Do you understand that you will only be charged $ + applicable taxes today, and next two month and after that it will be …… --------?

Which credit card you would like to pay

Credit Card Number
Name of Credit Card
Shipping addresss
Capture payment method (for CC’s MUST get CVV2 number)


[Cust Name]  It takes approximately 10 days for the number transfer to take place.  You must not call your current provider to cancel service or you will lose your phone number.  All you need to do is plug the new device into your phone and when the transfer takes place, your phones will be live and ready for use.  While you wait for the transfer, you will be assigned a temporary number that you will receive with your package and you will be able to use the phone immediately.
[Cust Name]  Thank you for your order today, you will receive an email within the next 24 hours confirming your order, and you will receive your package within 5to 10 business days.

Predictive Dialer
Hi to Bye Recording 
At least 6 month experience agent
Minimum 10 agent to start
Signup Process 
Step One- Agent screening - Please must have the agent read the attached script couple of time before agent screening.
Step two-After agent approval agreement will sent.
Step three- Upon receiving signed agreement complete training kit will be provided.
Step Four- Q A session which will be held after two days of providing training material.
Step Five- After Q A session complete team will be giving mocks. 
Step six Go live 

NOTE: Please Contact us for getting the more details about the campaigns & payout format.